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Company Goals

MyLead is a company founded in 2022 that focuses on developing software to help you organise your life better and give you the time management skills you need.

Time and time again, people in general have expressed that they don't have the right tools to perform to the best of their ability on a day to day basis. We at MyLead seek to adress this issue. 

There is a persistent and global problem related to personal resource organization. The volume of resources is increasing exponentially along with technology.


Developing this project has required great amounts of time, effort and perseverance over the course of two years. 
It has been a great joy and priviledge for us to be able to give you something of value which will improve the quality of your lifes.


Losses in productivity result from time wastage, micromanagement and human and technical errors, leading to inefficiencies in the workplace and generating unintended results.


Our goal is to achieve a productivity rate of up to 35% for every individual or organization using our services.

Our other great objective is you. It is our community.
We want things to go better for you using Contactly.
We are eager to help you and we want you to feel eager about us helping you.


Ultimately, our goal as a company is to provide you with a service that is worth your time and money and wich we believe it is.

Your success, your happiness, your vision is shared with us.

The Team


Mariano GV CEO

Mariano Ganduxer is the CEO of MyLead and

Advisor for new investments in

Angel Beldad_Toon.png

Angel BM

Angel Beldad, designer that worked for companies such usMicrosoft, XBOX Spain, Antena3 o Electronic Arts.

Jaume Diaz_Toon.png

Jaume DA

Jaume Díaz, programmer that worked  for companies such as AstraZeneca, Nutrexpa, Adesis o Ixas.


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